ISO 27001 consultants

Let our experienced consultants help you build a useful, customised, effective and efficient ISO 27001 Information Security Management System.

Hero image for ADL Consulting, ISO 27001 consultants, Leicester, Leicestershire

Tracey Ankers

Finance Officer, Ludic

ADL are incredibly professional, friendly, and always ready to help. Along with the transition to ISO 27001:2022 they have reshaped our ISMS into one that truly works for our organisation.

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Director of IT at Redgate Software, Damon Witherick.

Damon Witherick

Director of Infrastructure and Operations, Redgate Software

ADL's expertise and guidance were invaluable to our success, and we even consider them token Redgaters! I cannot recommend ADL highly enough!

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Our services

We provide ISO 27001 and GDPR consultancy, information security training and internal audit services to businesses across the UK.

Custom built Information Security Management Systems (ISMS)

Build a system that helps, not hinders

As qualified ISO 27001 auditors, we often see systems that are paper-heavy, cumbersome and unhelpful for the companies using them. We will help you to build a light-weight, low maintenance system that improves your security and provides useful Management Information to support your business.

Shall we?

Do you want to speak to us? ...or read more?

Q. Why use an ISO 27001 consultant?

A. Time.

Whilst you don't have to use a consultant to support you with your ISO 27001 implementation, doing so can help you to avoid the huge potential for rabbit holes, misunderstanding and misinterpretation which ultimately can save you months!

In our audit experience, we have also come across numerous consultants who are "standards people", rather than information security specialists. We would strongly encourage you to find an ISO 27001 specialist rather than generic standards consultant - the difference can save you months too!

Q. What makes a good ISO 27001 consultant?

A. Experience first...and then a bunch of other stuff - here are some quick thoughts.

Technical experience is particularly pertinent with ISO 27001. A good consultant will have multiple years of experience working in information technology. Without a technical background, some of the nuance of the technical controls can be lost.

As a consequence, we would generally counsel against a "generic ISO consultant" as, whilst they may have much experience working with Standards, they may be weak in the technical requirements of ISO 27001.

Q. Should the consultant also be an auditor?

A. Not necessarily, but we think it's a good idea!

Consultants can become complacent and stuck in their thinking. Auditing exposes the consultant to a wide range of implementation methods, new ways of doing things, new technologies and solutions. It's a great form of professional development.

Auditors who conduct audits for a UKAS accredited auditing bodies have to conduct "quality reviewed" audits regularly to ensure they are auditing to a suitable standard. This should provide some assurance that the consultant is of a suitably high standard.

Get in touch

Give us a call, or send us an email, to start the conversation and see how we can help your business to achieve ISO 27001.

Registered Office: 6 Hinckley Road, Ibstock, Leicestershire, LE676PB, UK

Company Registration No: 06684621

VAT No: 140 0539 56

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